
Wes Stought

By engaging in best practices 公司可以帮助确保管道人员的安全, owners & operators

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修建一条新的输油管道, natural gas or other commodities often involves managing an active worksite that extends for hundreds of miles across several states, 穿过从郊区到森林深处和沼泽的区域. Naturally, 恶劣的天气,如飓风, 洪水或火灾会对管道施工设备和进度造成严重破坏. There is also the increasingly complex challenge of complying with environmental and permitting regulations while avoiding both work interruptions and minimizing fines and other enforcement actions.

Apart from these, one of the greatest risks to pipeline construction involves opposition and occasional protest activities that can result in delays and work stoppages, 设备损坏和现场人员受伤(e).g.、建筑工人、保安或执法人员). Over many years, we’ve encountered dozens of these types of incidents – from substances introduced into the fuel tanks of construction machinery or piping components to gunshots fired at site personnel.

通过参与最佳实践和采用战略, 层次化、实用化的一套基于健全法理的管道安全措施, 商业及道德规范, 公司可以帮助确保管道人员的安全, community, assets, 和运营-以及管道所有者和运营商的声誉.


管道建设活动可能对许多当地社区造成破坏. 而经营者有权执行经批准的施工方案, we encourage our clients to be sensitive to local concerns and make changes wherever possible to minimize impacts on the local community. 如果一个年度节日通常在一年中的某个时间举行, for example, we suggest that the construction company actively solicit the concerns of community leaders well in advance of the event. The company should be ready to respond by closing down construction activities at high-impact locations during those times.


Like other businesses, 美国的彩宝网和实践, pipeline construction can elicit many types of responses from various citizen groups and communities. 维护和平需要尊重法律. Utilizing a team of personnel who have extensive law enforcement experience and training can help protect the rights of both businesses and individuals.

Individuals or groups opposing the pipeline ultimately have the right to express their opposition and pursue their aims through the judicial system. By implementing risk-mitigating practices and providing opportunities for them to exercise that right — ­such as providing a designated location on site where the opposition can express their views — opposing groups are more likely to feel respected and less likely to intervene in the construction process.


你必须清楚地界定你的活动范围. 这是管道建设安全保障的核心理念. Beyond this, however, take care not to broadcast a hardened security posture by having guards who are visibly armed, and quick to react to vocal challenges or other measures that suggest or reveal a bias towards the opposition.


All security personnel should be adept at engaging in opposition activities in a non-combative manner, leveraging de-escalation tactics and techniques commonly exercised in public safety and the medical profession across the country.


降低安全风险,帮助确保特定站点的安全性, your construction personnel needs to understand and accept that even though they’re experts in building pipelines, 他们在现场采取的行动会对施工作业产生重大影响. For example, we warn on-site personnel not to engage individuals expressing opposition at the site’s periphery and inadvertently make statements that the local media can feature on the evening’s news.


如果缓和冲突不起作用,为下一步制定一个计划. 创建一个指南,概述每个人在后续回应中的角色, 建立沟通链以及联系谁. Also, provide descriptions of everyone’s roles and responsibilities on-site and preemptively conduct open-source monitoring while keeping law enforcement updated. 你的计划应该千方百计.


Establishing relationships with law enforcement and keeping them updated can be the best way to ensure consistent communication regarding pipeline construction activities and community impact as well as response measures. 建立开放的沟通渠道,并尽快建立这些关系.

和大多数事情一样,计划和准备是关键. It’s also helpful knowing how many things can go wrong and translating that knowledge into prevention. Our team of experts have decades of experience in law enforcement and security consulting. Learn how we can assist with 安全程序开发,培训和风险管理.

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Jensen Hughes ensures non-discrimination in all programs and activities in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. If you need more information or special assistance for persons with disabilities or limited English proficiency, 联系延森休斯合规团队,电话:410-737-8677或compliance@776kingston.com. 

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